Facilitators International
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Project Details

Missiological Research Center - Dimapur, Nagaland, India
Enrollment 50
Program Length 1 to 3 years
Annual Tuition $330 US
School Founded 1992
The Mission of MRC

Strategically positioned in the far eastern state of Indian state of Nagaland, MRC is committed to training and equipping men and women to become effective missionaries and church leaders, and to become effective disciplers of other missionaries.

Established in 1992 as the Outreach Leadership Training College, this school was only the second missiological training center affiliated to the Senate of Indian Institute of Missiology (IIM) in 1996. From that time forward, MRC and IIM have been working together in a strategic partnership to promote missiological training and education in North East India.

Programs offered are Certificate in Missiology, Diploma in Missiology, Bachelors in Missiology, Bachelors in Theology, Masters in Missiology and Masters in Missiology.

Nagaland, India Today

In one of the epicenters of the Hindu religion, Nagaland is profoundly unique - with the highest percentage of Baptists of any state in the world. Over 100,000 Naga Christians gathered in 1997 to celebrate 125 years of Christianity in the state. Revivals in 1956, 1966 and 1972 brought new life, fervor and a surge of evangelistic and missions outreach. Moreover, thousands of Nagas have served the Lord in other parts of India and beyond. At the same time, the effectiveness of Christian witness is compromised by inter-ethnic feuding, a long Naga independence guerrilla war, the insidious effects of corruption, denominational fragmentation (there are 21 Baptist groupings and a growing number of newer, independent churches) and growing nominalism.

Few Christian areas in the world have such a high density of theological colleges - approximately 18 Bible colleges and training centers have been given permission by the Naga government to function in the past 30 years (four in 2004-05 alone). Yet few Nagas in training ever consider a missionary career. There remains an essential need for students to become effective pastors and missionaries, and for better coordination and growth of the already significant Naga missionary movement. Hence the strategic value of MRC.
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